Resignation - Carey's Emporium


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POSTCARD TITLE:   Resignation

POSTMARK:    Unused

PUBLISHER:   Huntwood

TYPE/BACK:    Vintage, Divided Back

COMMENTS:    Waitin' foh de sunshine When de sky is gray; Whinin' an' a-pinin' oh de blues to go away, See de water trickle Down de window pane, Wish dat it would hurry 'long An' nebber come again.  Wishin' foh de rain storm When de drought comes roun', Wonder why dat sunshine keep A-dryin out de groun'; Better stop dis kickin', Doesn't help a bit, Kin' o' weather what you has, Is all you's gwinter git.

The corners of the card are just slightly rounded.  Nice coloring.  Check the scan for more details.