Shenandoah Valley, VA Souvenir Folder

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POSTCARD TITLE:   20 Views and Roadmap of the Beautiful and Historic Shenandoah Valley of Virginia

POSTMARK:    Unused

PUBLISHER:   Marken and Bielfeld

TYPE/BACK:    Linen, Souvenir Postcard Folder

COMMENTS:    The corners of the folder are slightly rounded. Nice coloring.  Check the scan for more details.

Views Included:

Apple Blossom Time


Stonewall Jackson's Headquarters

Augusta Military Academy

Tomb of Stonewall Jackson

Army Remount Depot, Front Royal

Luray Singing Tower

Handley High School

Boydville, Martinsburg

Madison College

Virginia Military Institute

Washington's Headquarters

Augusta Stone Church

Seven Bends, near Woodstock

Nature's Freak, Tree Growing Out of House, Winchester

Washington and Lee University