Adirondack Mountains, Au Sable Chasm
Ausable Chasm, NY
Below the Rapids, Nearing the End of Boat Ride, Ausable Chasm, NY
Coming Through the Flume, Ausable Chasm, NY
Down the Chasm from Table Rock, Ausable Chasm, NY
Elephants Head, Ausable Chasm, NY
End of the Boat Ride, Ausable Chasm, NY
Entering the Rapids, Ausable Chasm, NY
Going Down the Rapids, Ausable Chasm, NY
Hotel Ausable Chasm, Ausable Chasm, NY
Jacob's Ladder, Ausable Chasm, NY
Jacobs Ladder, Ausable Chasm, NY
Looking Down the River, Ausable Chasm, NY
Looking up Long Rapids From the Flume, Ausable Chasm, NY
Mystic Gorge and High Pass, Ausable Chasm, NY
Path and Bridge to Hydes Cave, Ausable Chasm, NY
Post Office, Ausable Chasm, NY