A Window of Old Glassware, Cape Cod, MA
Aeroplane View of the Public Gardens and Beacon Hill, Boston, MA
Air Photo, Plymouth, MA
Along the Hoosatonic, Lee, MA
An Aerial View of Plymouth Plantation's 1627 Pilgrim Village, Plymouth, MA
Army and Navy Monument, Boston, MA
Art Building, Springfield, MA
Art Museum, Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA
Atkin's Lane, Provincetown, MA
Attic Room, Home of Mary Baker Eddy, Lynn, MA
Auditorium, Christian Science Church (Interior), Boston, MA
B. and M. R. R. Bridge, Clinton, MA
B. F. Brown Junior High School, Fitchburg, MA
Bancroft School, Worcester, MA
Bancroft Tower, Worcester, MA
Barnard Monument, Buttonwood Park, New Bedford, MA
Bass Fishing on Cape Cod Canal, Cape Cod, MA
Battle Green and Pulpit Rock, first armed resistance to British, Lexington, MA
Battle Monument at Old North Bridge, Concord, MA
Beach Showing Aquarium, South Boston, MA
Beacon Park Boat Landing, Lake Charcoggagoggmanchaugagogg Chaubuna gungamaugg, Webster, MA
Beacon Park Boat Landing, Webster, MA
Bed Room in John and Abigail Adams Cottage, Quincy, MA
Berkshire Festival, the Music Shed at Tanglewood, Lenox, MA