Court House, Dodgeville, WI
Courthouse at Dodgeville, WI
From Watertower, Dodgeville, WI
Greetings from Dodgeville, WI
Hotel Grand, S. E. on Iowa Street, Dodgeville, WI
House on the Rock, at Spring Green, WI, on Highway 23, North of Dodgeville, WI
Iowa County Court House, Oldest in Wisconsin, Dodgeville, WI
Just Scratch Me A Few Lines, Dodgeville, WI, Leather
New Concord Inn, Highway 23 North, Dodgeville, WI
Pink Cadillac and Jungle Safari, Don Q Inn, Highway 23 North, Dodgeville, WI
Residence of Mr. E. R. Jones, Town Dodgeville, WI
The Thym's, and The Rock's Motel, On Highway 23, One Mile North of Dodgeville, WI
The Thym's, Fine Food and Cocktails, On Highway 23, One Mile North of Dodgeville, WI