Side View of State House, Boston, MA
Sightseers Boarding the Historic Constitution, Old Ironsides at Charlestown Navy Yard, Boston MA
Signing the Compact, Provincetown, MA
Sippican School, Marion, MA
Site and replica of First House in Plymouth, Plymouth, MA
Site of the Pilgrims Watch Tower, 1643, Burial Hill, Plymouth, MA
Skyline Across the Charles River is Boston, MA
Skyline of Holyoke from Buckley Blvd., at Night, Holyoke, MA
Soldiers' Monument on the Common, Worcester, MA
Soldiers' Monument, City Hall and Common, Worcester, MA
South Common, Lowell, MA
South Station, Boston, MA
South Street, Looking N., Pittsfield, MA
Souvenir of Norwood, MA
St. Lukes Hospital, Middleboro, MA
St. Pauls Church, Worcester, MA
Standish and Gore Halls (Freshman Dormitories), Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
Starbuck Houses, Nantucket, MA
State Highway, Along the Cape Cod Canal, Sandwich, MA
State House, Beacon Hill, Boston, MA
State House, Beacon Hill, showing Shaw Memorial Statue, Boston, MA
State House, Boston, looking down Beacon St., Boston, MA
State House, Boston, MA