The Old Hoxie House in Sandwich, Cape Cod, MA
The Old Kitchen, Longfellow's Wayside Inn, South Sudbury, MA
The Old Manse, Built 1765, Concord, MA
The Old Mill, Brockton, MA
The Old North Bridge, Concord, MA
The Parker House, Boston, MA
The Parlor, Longfellow's Wayside Inn, South Sudbury, MA
The Parlor, Whipple House, 1610. Historical Society, Ipswich, MA
The Paul Revere House, Boston, MA
The Pickering House, built 1660, Salem, MA
The Quadrangle, Smith College, Northampton, MA
The Red Wing Potteries, Inc., Red Wing, MN
The Summer Home of the Late John F. Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States, Hyannis Port, MA
The Twin Lights, Thatchers Island, Rockport, MA
The Washington Bedroom, Longfellow's Wayside Inn, South Sudbury, MA
Three Views, MA
Tower and Summit House, Mt. Greylock, MA
Tower Hotel, Falmouth Heights, MA
Town Hall, Middleboro, MA
Town Hall, Wareham, MA
Town Hall, Wrentham, MA
Trail to Greylock Mountain, 3,505 Feet, Highest Mountain in Mass.