Children in Pilgrim costume Romp in the Street of the replica Pilgrim Village, at Pilgrim Plantation, Plymouth, MA
Christ Church (Old North), Boston MA
Christ Church (Old North), Boston, MA
Christ Church, Old North, Boston, MA
Christian Science Church, Boston, MA
Christian Science Publishing Society, Boston. MA
Christopher Wren Tower, Provincetown, MA
City Hall Plaza, Worcester, MA
City Hall, Boston, MA
City Hall, Lawrence, MA
City Hall, Lowell, MA
City Hospital, Boston, MA
Clark University, Worcester, MA
Cockle Cove Beach on Nantucket Sound, Chatham, Cape Cod, MA
Cold River Bridge, Mohawk Trail, MA
Colonial Inn, Concord, MA
Commercial Street, Provincetown, MA
Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA
Concord Bridge with Monument in Foreground and the Minute Man in the Distance, Across the Bridge, Concord, MA
Concordian Motel, Route 2, Acton, MA
Congregational Church, Natick, MA
Cottages at Harbor, Pocasset, MA