Glimpse of State Capitol from State Library, Hartford, CT
Grace Smith & East House, Connecticut College, New London, CT
Greetings From Hartford, CT Large Letter
Hartford National Bank Building, Hartford, CT
Harvard and Yale Boat Race, New London, CT
High School, Hartford, CT
Howe-Marot Jr. College, Thompson, CT
Ice House Dam, Waterbury, CT
Interior of Old Stone House, Guilford, CT
John Browns Birthplace, Torrington, CT
Knollwood Looking Toward Cornfield Point, Saybrook, CT
Lantern Hill Pond, Mystic, CT
Laurel Hill, Norwich, CT
Litchfield County Hospital, Winsted, CT
Litchfield Law School 1784, First in America, Litchfield, CT
Manchester High School, Manchester, CT
Memorial Arch and Bridge, Hartford, CT
Mount Jefferson Plane, CT
Mystic Seaport, A Living Maritime Museum, in Mystic, CT
New Municipal Building, Hartford, CT
Night View of State Capitol and Corning Fountain, Hartford, CT
Notch Road, Hubbard Park, Meriden, CT
Old English Banquet Hall, Hotel Bond, Hartford, CT
Old Store and School House, Norwich, CT