Meeting House, Old Sturbridge Village, MA
Methodist Episcopal Church, Belchertown, MA
Metropolitan Museum of Art, Room from Topsfield, MA
Midnight Ride of Paul Revere, by W. R. Leigh
Midtown Motor Inn, Boston, MA
Minot's Ledge Light, Boston, MA
Minute Man on Battle Lawn, Concord, MA
Minute Men Memorial Boulder and House of Jonathan Harrington, Lexington, MA
Mirror Lake at Coggshall Park, Fitchburg, MA
Mohawk Inn, 146 Federal Street, Greenfield, MA
Mohawk Trail Souvenir Folder
Moonlight at Winthrop Beach, MA
Morse Laboratory and Pearson Hall, Phillips Academy, Andover, MA
Mother Ann, Eastern Point, Gloucester, MA
Motif No. 1, Rockport, MA
Municipal Buildings, Springfield, MA
Municipal Group Campanile, Springfield, MA
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA
Nathaniel Hawthorne Statue, Salem, MA
National Monument to the Forefathers, from East Entrance, Plymouth, MA
National Monument to the Forefathers, Plymouth, MA