Living Room, John Alden House, Built 1653, Duxbury, MA
Longfellow Home, Cambridge, MA
Longfellow House, Cambridge, MA
Longfellow House, East Street, Pittsfield, MA
Longfellow's Wayside Inn, South Sudbury, MA
Longfellow's Wayside Inn, Sudbury, MA
Longfellows Wayside Inn, South Sudbury, MA
Look Park, Northampton, MA
Louisa Alcott's Room, Orchard House, Concord, MA
Louisa May Alcott House, Concord, MA
Lowell High School, Lowell, MA
Lynn Shore Drive and Beach, Lynn, MA
Main Store Waiting Room, Jordan Marsh Company, Boston, MA
Manomet Beach, Plymouth, MA
Map of Boston, South Shore, Plymouth, and Cape Cod
Mapparium, Boston, MA
Marine Museum, Old State House, Built 1713, Boston, MA
Martha's Vineyard, MA
Marthas Vineyard Island, MA
Mary Baker Eddy Memorial, Cambridge, MA
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
Massachusetts State Capitol, Boston, MA