Hawthornes Wayside, Concord, MA
Hemenway Gymnasium, Radcliffe College, Cambridge, MA
High Rock Tower, Lynn, MA
High School and Grace Congregational Church, Framingham, MA
High School, Lynn, MA
High School, Somerville, MA
High School, Ware, MA
Historic Plymouth Rock, Plymouth, MA
Hobbs Junior High School, Medford, MA
Home of James Russell Lowell, Cambridge, MA
Home of Louisa Alcott, Concord, MA
Home of Waldo Emerson, Concord, MA
Hon. Eben S. Draper's Residence., Hopedale, MA
Hoosac Valley from Farnam Hill, Lanesboro, MA
Hope Congregational Church, Springfield, MA
Hopedale Street, Hopedale, MA
Hotel Needham, Lawrence, MA
Hotel Statler, Boston, MA
House of Seven Gables, Built 1668, Salem, MA
House of Seven Gables, Salem, MA
House of the Seven Gables, Built 1668, Salem, MA