Home of Washington and Lee Campus in Which General Lee Died, Lexington, VA
Homestead, Hot Springs, VA
Hotel Belfield, Emporia, VA
Hotel Royal, Front Royal, VA
In Old Virginia
In Old Virginia Souvenir Folder
Lake and Lodge at the Peaks of Otter, Bedford, VA
Lake Spring Park, Salem, VA
Lee Chapel on Washington and Lee Campus, Lexington, VA
Moat and Main Entrance, Fort Monroe, VA
Natural Chimneys near Mt. Solon, VA
Natural Chimneys, Mt. Solon, VA
Pillar of Hercules in Cudjo's Cave, Cumberland Gap National Historical Park, VA
Pinnacle Overlook, Cumberland Gap National Historical Park, Kentucky, Virginia, Tennessee
Pohick Church, Lorton, VA
Purgatory Mountain by Moonlight near Buchanan, VA
Randolph-Macon Woman's College, Lynchburg, VA
Replica of Capitol Dome, Shenandoah Caverns, VA
Senior Hall, Madison College, Harrisonburg, VA
Shenandoah County Court House, Woodstock, VA
Shenandoah Valley, VA Souvenir Folder
Sherwood Inn, Old Point Comfort, VA
Shore Line Drive at Hungry Mother State Park, near Marion, VA